So, I flew into Florida a weekend early and stayed a weekend late around the week I needed to be in the field. Mostly to see DCS.
I flew in and got my rental (a Barney colored PT Cruiser thanks to the chap that liked me at the desk and decided I needed more flair than a white Neon) and then drove out to the ball park to pick up DCS from a work outing to a ball game. The plan - to have dinner and hang out for a bit before I left to go stay with my mom for the that weekend.
Seeing him in person after all this mess was simply awkward and terrible and wonderful and painful and amazing all together. At times I couldn't breathe and my hand shake (did I mention that my right hand has taken on the Parkinson's like shake since the stress levels elevated?) was on. And he had a bruise on his neck that any woman would call a hickey - which I did. Which he denied (I really don't think he sees other women.) But a hickey is really hard to refute, so then I decided to screw dinner and leave, but I didn't. We went to a place on the river, but I had no appetite. I love crying in public too - makes me feel like I have a firm grasp on my mental stability. But then at the end we were chatting a laughing. It was nice.
Cut away to the parking lot. Cute - him swinging me around and hugging me and kissing me.
DCS "So did you end up getting the same cell phone as me?"
Kc taking phone off his belt to see" Lemme see"
DCS freaking out "give it back...AAAA...(temper tantrum)...."
Kc getting into car, given phone back "What is your issue? what are you hiding?"
In car driving DCS "Nothing, you always make a big deal out of everything"
Kc taking phone again "what is up with this phone that you don't want me to see so badly?"]
DCS reaching for phone, not watching road, CRASHES.
Whatever was so important to him was so bad or so something that he actually CRASHED the car.
Needless to say, I am screaming and sobbing at him "What is your problem? what are you hiding that is so much more important than driving? You CRASHED! What are you hiding? You CRASHED! CRASHED!"
So he investigates, finds it just a demolished tire and sets out to change it. I sob in the car (he took the phone with him, by the way to change the tire and keep it from me.) then I get over it and him. I realize that my car is just over the river and a few miles away. I get my reticule, and leave. Walk over the bridge and a few miles, get in my Barneymobile and leave. He calls I meet him on the way out of town to hand off his parking decal.
He says he's sorry, I am furious and hurt, and shaken, and everything. this is not going according to the plan in my head.
I tell him to get his shit straight and that I can't deal with his issues right now. I tell him to get his ducks in a row or I am not visiting the following weekend (which we planned to stay together and catch up and fix up things.)
then to a weekend hanging out with my mom. That part was nice.