The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the Music!

Contrary to the whole vagina thing - I am now a fellow.

Okay, not a fellow yet - a finalist, which is what they call the fellows until their first day on.

Everyone was assured I would get it - except me. I was hopeful. They were right.

Please join me in the happy dance.

Friday, May 19, 2006


So parts of me know everything you have said have said about DCS, gentle reader, are true. And part of me knows that they are this phase he is trying on. I do know that if I was to hear of a friend being treated (an letting herself be treated) like that I would balk and encourage here to leave too.

I love him, beyond reason. I do not know why I cannot go. I sincerely want everything to work out with him and I guess I am trying to put my money where my mouth is. If I want unconditional love, I have to be able to give love unconditionally. If I want a supportive partner, I have to be a supportive partner. If I want him to be a certain way, I have to also be willing to do/be that. That is my philosophy on life (Yes, this never really pans out for me in my personal life, but on paper it is a great philosophy.)

But, enough of that right now. I am really and honestly trying to focus on the positive. Like this weekend maybe unpacking some boxes. Baking a cake. Testing some recipes (I am a test kitchen for a cookbook-to-be.) Retrieving my cat from my mother's house and bringing him home. Getting rid of some stuff on Ebay. Maybe a ball game with the boy.

All good things.

Thesis Update: Revisions - stalled
Jeep - sold for almost a quarter of what I had wanted. Guess soemthing is better than nothing. And it is off the head of my very true friend that is dealing with it. As soon as I find a notary anyway...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Back on the Wagon

So, with the crush time of both thesis defense, conference prep, conference, moving, settling, etc. - I have been lost to internetland. Have no fear, recent introduction and fast friend forming with the BEE-YOO-TE-FUL new library has allowed me to reconnect with the web. Got an appy for my favorite addiction - Pottery Barn. Maybe some mindless employ might help. A bit of moola, a discount, and maybe I can make my life seem like the pages of perfection that their catalog implies (yes - I do know that that statement is a head doctor's playground.)

To catch you up:
DEFENSE (said in a sing song basket ball game type voice): done! Passed well too
Conference: presentation went well, conference went well, saw old friends and colleagues, made new ones
Fellowship: find out within the week
Move off Armpit Island: Successful, if you don't count that I couldn't sell my Jeep and the single possible offer is less than 1/3 what I had wanted to get (that is stressing me a bit)

Yes, I am in DCS land. Things have been INCREDIBLY rocky. I am not dumb enough to blame it entirely on the us matter, because I know that moving an loss of home, truck, change in independence and lifestyle, loss of income etc. are all big factors. But of course there are still "us" factors too. Last week (first week home) was bad. Weekend was intolerable. This week has started out better. Please offer up a thought for me, us, sanity, but most importantly peace.

Thesis Update:
I have revisions to make. I have some easy ones, and some very difficult ones. The difficult ones are the ones in the writing. All the info is there, just needs to be said different, better. That is the hard part. If I had gotten all the changes made last week and submitted them by this Thursday, I could graduate this year. I won't, so I will finish them over the summer semester, so I won't graduate until NEXT June. They only have one graduation a year. What bunk is that?