The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

That's Irony, Baby

So, I just realized yesterday that I am a a week and a half late for my .

Just when you think you have all that you can possibly deal with, life throws some more. I just got off BC, but we were being smart and safe. Wouldn't it be (and there certainly isn't a word strong enough for this) ironic if I was preggers right after the man I love tells me he doesn't care enough for me right now.

A whole array of interesting thoughts came yesterday. Man, this will really change things in my life. If I was to have a baby, I would only want to have David's. Should I tell DCS? How could I not tell him? Would I give him DCS's last name or mine? Would I be able to raise our baby alone? I would never want DCSto feel "trapped," so maybe it would be better not to tell him. Not that he is talking to me right now to be able to tell him. Not that this is something you tell someone over the phone. This isn't the situation I want to have DCS's baby in, I would have rather it be in the strength of our relationship, not the aftermath. But I did decide that if this is happening, I will keep him. I wouldn't/won't abort DCS's baby.

I was surprised about how happy the thought of DCS's baby made me (scared too).
Easiest thing would to go get tested, right? Or do a drugstore test.... but I can't do that right now. I am going to let it ride for a bit. I need to get some things straight in my head first, you know?

So on the off chance that this really is a thing, I am eating again - no reason to starve a fetus. 5 days off, wonder how getting back on will feel...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


So there have been two shark attacks in three days in the Destin area, which is (ironically) the place where Davey is/is going. Davey is a sunworshipping beach lover. Needless to say, this concerns me. Even though I want the pain to disappear, I would rather it not disappear into the gullet of a shark. That would really remove that tiny seed of hope of reconciliation. Make for a great story, but I would rather have the fellow than shark would. Not a lot of meat on that one, really. Stringy. Sharks would be better just passing on that one. Whereas a shark like me has a certain taste for bait like him.

So it has been brought to my attention of the bad odds of another shark attack in that area. Well, I bet that is what the second kid thought too...

Besides, sharks don't know statistics. I understand that math isn't really their strong academic area.

My thoughts are consumed with him. I hope that he can get past his pain so that we can focus on us again. That is the seed of hope within. I love him and am not ready to give up on him or us. That is the seed of hope I carry. Today feels good, today feels hopeful, today hope grows more than despair inside me. this morning anyway...

"Sharkbait! Ooo Hah Hah!" - Finding Nemo

Monday, June 27, 2005

What Happens When Your "Real Life" Isn't?

So, I can't eat. Today is day 4 without food. I am following the orders of my ace girl, Canada, and am drinking my Nalgene like a fiend. But sometimes I can't even keep that down. That isn't what I signed on to say, but it is curious how my body doesn't even seem to need food. Cooking smells elicit no grumbles, not a lot of shakiness, no cravings or anything. It is like the empty vacitude of my heart extend to all organs. My heart is empty, and my stomach has sympathy pains. Trying to fill my heart with anything else other than my one desire is as impossible as filling my stomach. Random.

I wanted to comment of the loss of "real life." Since moving to PR for grad school, I have always had two lives - school and my real life. My real life was my boyfriend, then fiance, our apartment, our plans for the future when that stepping stone of school was dealt with. Now without that keystone of my real life, my real life falls down, broken. I have nothing to keep me buoyed up in PR, no prize to keep my eyes on, nothing to return to, no light at the end of the tunnel of my Puerto Rican exile.

So what is my real life now? I can't say that I like my PR life enough to deem it my real life. I guess that is what DCS titled it when he stole my actual real life from me. So what is my real life, now?

How can explain personal pain? - Violent Femmes

To those Strangers Out There That Aren't Reading This

I am a litle lost. For as figured out as I think I was, I realize now, after a most tragic breakup of my greatest love affair and marriage engagement, that all I thought was firm in my life, isn't. I am taking the time now, to read through other people's lives to help me realize that things, good and bad, happen to all people. I might need to search for a religious center, but I have real problems buying into religion. I have started blogging just a few days ago, mostly to purge thoughts from my head. In fact this is the first time that I have heard much or looked into it.
So there you have it, I am staving off a mental collapse that intellectually I know shouldn't happen, that I am too strong for that, but my heart has lost all reason to live. And, being a biologist, I know that the heart is minorly important to human function.
How's that for too much information from a complete stranger?


Religion/Spirituality is such a funny thing. For years I have been shaking (sometime more vigorously than others) the confines of being raised religious. As a scientist, I have great issues with religion, as a humanist, I have great problems with herd thought.

All that being said, in this darkest hour of my inconsequential life, I find myself praying or chanting. I wouldn't rack it up as a "come to Jesus" moment, but these mantras or prayers roll in my head without end. At moments it feels very Eastern in a chanting manner. At other times it feels very traditional Judeo-christian were I am pleading with a higher entity for help. It is a strange experience.

Is this the return of myself (the wayward sheep) to the flock? Probably not. But it could be the repair of a relationship with the universe and higher power.

PleaseGodno.PleaseGodmakehimseemelikeiseehim. GodwhydoIloveamanthatdoesn'tlovemeanymore?PleaseGodhelp.Ican'tdothis.PleaseGodhavehimseehowmuchilovehim. Letthatmeansomethingtohim. Pleaseletmylovebringusbacktogetherlikehisdidatthestart.

Please.Please.Please.Please.Please.Please.Please.Please.Please.Please. Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why? ButIlovehimsomuch.ButIlovehimsomuch.ButIlovehimsomuch.ButIlovehimsomuch.


DCS, my intended husband to be, has broken my heart. Stolen all that is good and wonderful in my life from me. Taken all that is "home" to me away, because he was home for me. My life is but a ruined burnt out shell. I want him to be happy, but the price he feels is necessary for his "happiness" is my ruination.

E-mails from "That Girl"

I am sorry for the hurt I have caused you. I don't know that in my efforts to remind you of our love if I have apologized for my part in the pain. Please forgive me for the pain I've caused. I am ashamed that I have caused pain to the one person I would never want to hurt.

Please don't forgvive me for our love, please hold on to that. Please remember that the love we have is all we need to get started - you said that.

Let's do this in person. Let's deal with all of this in person. I am sorry that I have ever caused you pain. I love you. I respect you. I love you more and more until it fills my entire person.

Please consider our love while you consider coming up here. Please consider my thoughts that I have sent you on the issues. Please consider that we need to communicate this all out. Please let our years of love weigh more heavily than our rough bit and the helpessness that you feel right now. It is easy to feel certain and right in a rash decision when alone, but the better decisions come from communication between the two involved. Please don't stick with this, just because you made up you mind. Please don't let stubborn pride not allow you to come up here and talk this out. I know how you feel, because I have felt this way too, that the only way to be happy is to be out - but I always believed you when you said it wasn't right and never finalized it. And you were right, we are happier together. Let's get back to that. Let's strive for happy and together, both. We can get back there and then it will take care of itself. Please come up here and lets talk this all through.

You are my world. You are everything that is good and right with my life. Every part of my life that does not directly involve you, I feel goodness in it when I can share those parts with you.
Time and distance have ruined us. Please let's give us the chance to remedy that. It isn't a matter of incompatibility as people, but as people that have let themselves create separate lives. Let us return to a shared life status and work to make our relationship everything it was and we want it to be. Let's not let time/distance win this over us. Let's not let it ruin what we have.
Your are such a good man, such a perfect man for me.

We need to talk about the issues at heart, not the symptoms. We just need to talk about ourselves and each other.

Please let's do this in person. Let us give ourselves the dignity and respect that our love deserves. My love for you is strong. Please come up so that we may address all our concerns in person, like adults that love each other.

Please call my cell. Press *(or #, but I think *) when the message is onthen the code I gave you, it will then have more voice, but will start rolling messages. Please listen to the first message of yours. Please let's choose that option of yours. Let's discuss and be open with one another while retaining that love.

I really hope to hear from you tonight. Talking to you in the evenings is the best part of my day - always has been. I hope that you can look inside yourself and see that happiness and our love aren't mutually exclusive. In fact that once we clear the waters of our love that we can return to that happiness we once shared before I ruined everything by leaving. I hope somewhere inside you you can let yourself see that warm, beating love that is for me. I know you don't want to feel it right now, but I hope that will let yourself feel it.

You are a good person. You are an amazing man. I believe in you. I believe in everything you have ever said about us. I hold hope out for that message on my phone (please don't erase it.) from you. I love you. I have always loved you. I love us. You are everything to me.
Please come up and let's address this in person.


Please let's not break up. Please let us use these next bits to reorganize and rework our relationship to make things better. Time/distance has been very harsh on us, but I think that we can make this good again. I love you and respect you and have always believed in that picture of a future together that you painted. We owe it to our love to give it this one try.

I gave you a chance when I didn't think I should. Please give us that same chance.

I love you, K

Friday, June 24, 2005

Self Torture

I picked this blog template because it is the colors of the wedding that shall not happen. So I can see everyday that beautiful, crisp, grass green and feel a swelling vacancy.

I am not "that girl." You know who she is. she is always with a boy, beacuse she can't exist alone. She is weepy and clingy. She has mad mood swings and never lets her fellow go out for a drink with the boys. She is wickedly jealous when a woman even blinks at her fellow.

No, I am more independent, maybe more rational. Usually a bit of supporting evidence is needed to convince me. I like the idea of two people living in harmony together by choice, not by need.

All my theories have been thrown to the wind, however, and I find myself taking a tour through the inside corridors of "that girl." I have been replaced with "that girl." I can't find a light out of this loss. Me, who can find the best of any situation, am at a complete and utter loss to find goodness here. I feel as if there has been an unauthorized amputation, and I am left but a part of the wholeness I was.

And I can't know how to convince him that this isn't the best of ideas. That maybe we should have some honest communication over the issues rather than throwing the towel in. How many times have we talked over the symptoms, but never the issues?

I vote that we deal with the issues and turn this trainwreck of a tragedy into a rough spot that is conquered.

It is a nice green, huh?

Contrary to What He said

Contrary to his statements that he was going to Colorado to figure some stuff out and that he wasn't advocating a break up and he only wanted open, honest discussion, the return brought a breakup. I said I thought we should postpone the wedding (of course not meaning it) and he left to Denver, and came back and agreed to that and more. Postponing wasn't enough. Calling it off wasn't enough. Only complete and whole breaking up and breaking my heart would suffice.
There is nothing like seeing four years of a shared past and a lifetime of a shared future waiver like a heat mist then disappear.

Needless to say his mother and sister will be pleased. There will be at least some happiness coming of this.

I love him. And he loves me. Apparently that just isn't enough.

I would love for him to come to do this in person, there is something insulting about melting away a relationship over the phone. Even better, I would love for him to come and talk through the issues rather than throw everything away.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

What Happens When Forever Goes to Never

Like the dark wraiths that form from the shadows in the movie, Ghost, to steal a person’s soul and take it as they scream. My very heart has been dashed. My soul rendered apart. My dreams removed forcibly from me. Even when I said that this is how things should be, that we should be apart, I never believed them, and now my heart can’t begin to feel that you do believe we should be apart. Obviously I do think you think so, because I have never felt hurt like this. Tears welling up, unbidden, at the most inopportune time. Stripped down and exposed for a fraud. Brought into a coliseum of fingers pointing while his voice reverberates through my head, chanting that he doesn’t love enough, care enough, that I am as nothing to him. In the burning spotlight, alone. Like the sun moving down beyond the horizon, you have left my life. And now I remain, solitude forced on me. Left, like trash on the beach after spring break, alone. Alone as that solitary hanger left in a closet after the move has happened.

And yet, this is how I knew it would be. From the beginning I knew that I would not be the love of your life (although I hoped, and even believed you when you said it was so), but merely your first true love. Everyone has their first true love, that love that marks a life forever. A love so strong and true and amazing that can only ensure that the loss of that love to be the most awful feeling a person can experience. I tried to not be that love for you. I tried to place a barrier between us, to have you insert another love to be that first true love, so that ours would not be that ill-fated first love, but an enduring love. But it did not happen so. So it happened so.
I only wanted to be special to you. I only wanted to be the most important person in your life. All I wanted you to do was to love me. I only wanted you to see me as I see you.

My love for him had turned into dark quiet thing in our separation. A gladiola bulb, waiting for that time to return to stretch up and reach beyond the hope of a promise, to fulfill it. A love that had lain quietly dormant, but full of possibilities. A love that will forever remain in that bulb, as the sun has dropped from my sky, forever. No bulb can grow alone.

I feel a slow suffocation. The air supply was slowly turned off when he began, and now that he is done, the air has been removed. Remembering to breathe is a difficult thing, especially when the enormous weight of regret and heartbreak fill your throat, not allowing anything to pass, and sits heavily on my chest, decompressing the lungs that refuse to fill with air that cannot pass by the lump in my throat.

It is an agonizing thing, this. It is a feeling so raw, that one can only experience it by distancing themselves from their body. Only in an observational stance can one not become consumed by this. Consumption would allow the loss of life. Require the end of a life not good enough to be as important to him as he is to me.

Already I feel a change, a loss of the person I was with you. This cannot be the lightening, the return to happiness that you bespoke. This is much more of a turn to darkness and silence, for speaking hurts.

I guess I know, now, why he didn’t want to plan anything for the wedding. He never meant his proposal and was happy to draw the reigns back on the wedding as he could. All I wanted was to return home and be with him. I believed him when he told me that he was the one for me, that our lives would be intertwined forever, that he was my one true love. How could I? Why would he say such things?

Time, distance, communication, replacing of each other as confidantes - things that have led to this downfall. All I wanted to do was to close up shop down there and return to be with him. Now, this fall. I would have written from home, and traveled down to PR to conference there. Not that I could talk to you about that. Why were there things that I couldn’t talk to him about? Why did I feel so constrained? Why do I feel so lost?

My body is a knot. My stomach rebels against the idea of food, my eyes rebel against light, my ears against speech, my tongue feels as stone, my reaction to the world feels hampered by an unwieldy stone dragging me down to bad times. I can’t move except to let the tears stream down my face. Soundless, racking, dry heaves of sobbing.

I am drowning in my skin. Puddled inside a form that is left only to represent the shape of a being that I used to be. Your words turned my solid beating heart to liquid, that was then burned off by the cold heat of your toneless statements that you don’t love me enough, that you don’t care enough, that you aren’t in love with me anymore.

All that was the person I was has fled; banished by a dictator that has no love in his heart for me any longer. Used and dismissed, sentenced to burn forever in a hell that will eternally wound a heart that cannot burn away, yet has turned to ash.

Empty shell. No reason to be. Purpose removed. Aching need to quiet the hurt that won’t leave. Just want to hold him and be held by him. Want to fall into each others arms crying and figuring a way beyond this. Being at the bottom, but finding a way up, never to return to that bottom. But he won’t even consider it. He found a door at the bottom, letting him out, so now I exist here at the bottom, in a dark, heaving, curl of a person with no door out, and no one to move up and away from this pit with. For he left. He reached the bottom and left.

Why do we fall? So that we may learn how to get up. But sometimes, I guess it is just easier for him to crawl away than to try to get up.

Stifling, suffocating, emptiness stretched out before me, a vast wasteland of my future, lying bleak before me. Tears are expensive. Words are cheap.

I always believe you would do what you said, that is why I always felt so let down, because I have a trust that you will be the man you say you are.

Delicate wrists and slender neck as broken as my heart, in my head. The visuals of a life left, in my head. No reason to be, to exist in this shell that you have issued me. All fear has left me, replaced with a knowledge of stretching nothing. And eternity beyond - alone and empty, all goodness seeped out the cracks.

Do you know what it is like to dream a dream? It wasn’t my dream, but he showed it to me and encouraged me to take ownership of it. Only to deliberately snatch it back, dashing all that is good in the world. Forever, empty. Empty of reason, empty of hope. A meaningless existence, only taking up space in an overcrowded world. Eradicate the useless, the space-takers, those that have lost all ability to contribute.

I love him. I hate him for stealing our tomorrows. I love him from the very moment he told me I should, and proved that I should. We used to be so happy, but I poisoned our love by leaving. How I regret that decision. How that very degree turns my stomach, and sickens me. I want nothing more to do with the thing that ruined my very true love. I can’t do anything more with that island, that school, that place, or anybody or thing connected with it. I have to leave it all behind me. Instead of leaving in the fall to reunite with my true love, I need to leave to escape the murderer of my love. I have to leave forever. I have to leave it all forever. As I have been left. No chance of reconciliation for me, then no reconciliation for the life that has ruined me.
You’re face smiles back from behind a glass, a glimpse of a happy time in a happy Hawaii. Hawaii is the sign of a coming relationship death. I have to put the picture down, because looking at it makes me cry. I can’t cry at work. I can’t cry. I am crying at work. I can’t not cry.

I cannot feed the body that houses a soul that has died. The plug would be pulled if I was in a non-responsive vegetative state, but no one will pull it. Can’t anyone see that this is a vegetative state?

Being with you has distanced my friends, and now that you have left, I have no one left close enough to share this pain with, no one. No one knows this hurt because I can’t tell them. I can’t share because I can’t speak ill of someone that I love so much. How can someone I love so much, care so little for me, do such harm?

I am a guest stayed too long in the body that was once a lovely house, a loved home of a heart that was warm and full. You have broken my heart, a heart that I offered up to you to keep after you stole it – a heart you promised to keep well for all times. A heart that you carelessly dropped along the way, then returned to turn under your shoe when you thought that the apathetic drop wasn’t enough.

The cosmos that has turned against me, letting me love so intensely a man that cares not for me, has come to see my pain. The world has turned grey and weeps outside with me. The same abrupt tears that can’t be stopped echo in the sudden showers out my window. The cosmos that has turned against me can’t help but feel my pain, as it echoes my cries through thunderous claps and weeps down on the earth.

Everything that was warmed by your love and opened into feeling has been ordered back into the dark depths of sense. If there was anything left of my heart, I would know that it wouldn’t be enough to ever love again as I have loved you. But as it is, ashes have no capacity to be filled with warmth and love, so I can gather them up in my hand and leave their former place empty and aching. A phantom ache, like that of an amputee. The heart is gone, but still it is so filled with hurt that it burbles out of the chest into my throat, choking me, and into my blood, poisoning me.

A chill drapes over me, drapes over the world - the coldness of a shadow of a turned back. Silence, except for the screaming in my head, echoed into the clouds out my window. Stillness, except for the tears that I can’t still, either on my face or the window.

Part of me wants to be able to share this pain, to show him how powerful he is over me. But the other part must hide this all from him, from all. Place it all in a box and place it into the vacant space in my chest. I gave him the power to hurt me so thoroughly, by loving him so much. One can’t be touched so hard by this if one didn’t care this much. I should never give anyone this power over me again. I trusted him when he said he would never hurt me, and here I am again. I shouldn’t give him even more power over me by letting him know how badly he hurt me. He should be cut out, like a cancer. But how do I live without him in my life? I can go through the motions, but what kind of life is that? I can live without him, but it isn’t the life I want, it isn’t the life he promised us.

I never told him that I loved him enough. I never shared my fears of this very thing happening. I never could convince him of his importance to me. I never told him of the miscarriage.I didn’t tell him that I was coming home this fall to be with him, to start building our life. I never told him how I wanted to build a family with him. I never told him that the only reason I didn’t want a family was due to that feeling of loss of self. I never told him that we had a family for a little while. I never told him of the pain that followed. I never told him how much I wanted his family to like me, and how much it hurt that they didn’t. I never told him that I wanted to build a family that would be everything that we had searched for in our own families. I didn’t tell him how I thought I had to be so strong, but how scared the distance made me. I never told him how I started to see that I was trading my education for my love, and how that frightened me. I didn’t tell him enough that I loved him. I couldn’t make him believe that he is the most important thing in my life. I couldn’t convince him.

I want to believe that we will get beyond this. If he would just give us one more chance to be back to the people we used to be together, before distance, time and distrust pushed us apart. Back to the time when I would drive 4 hours everyday just to be with him. To the time where we could sit out on a bench chatting forever. Back to a time when we could just be, and be happy. I know we could be there, but I don’t think he cares enough about us, or loves me enough to try to get there again. And that kills. Why can I put the hurt, pain and disappointment aside to try this, and he refuses? Does he think that I am not hurt, not angry, not let down, not in pain? Why am I willing and he isn’t? Another cosmically cruel joke. If we could just try this one time, I know that it would be back. I know it.

I am a rock. I am an island. And a rock feels no pain. And an island never cries.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

What Hapened!?!?

Well, I guess it is simple. DCS and I called off the engagement and we broke up. I’d like to say that we’re fine, don’t worry – it’s for the best, but in reality, I don’t think so. I am having a hard time living my life without this man in it. This man that I have known and loved for the past four years of my life has decided that we aren’t compatible and it would be better if we weren’t together. After just recently coming around to the idea of breeding with this fellow, I feel that not only has my life-long companion, my “helper-mate” been taken from me, but also a little boy name Chase that existed only in our hearts and dreams. We have, apparently, grown apart in our extended time living apart.

This isn’t the feel-good-stay-friends break up, nor is it the screaming-I-hate-you break up. This is the nothing-really-went-wrong-but-nothing-is-somehow-right, right now type of break up. The kind that leaves you baffled and confused. Leaves both parties baffled and confused. A senseless loss of in-love, like a story of a person subjected to a drive by shooting. Love became an innocent bystander to this drive by shooting of a break up.

Hawaii is bad for couples. Colorado is bad for relationships.

Colorado dealt me a bad hand. Colorado went in with a “let’s have an open honest discussion and fix things” and came out with an “it’s over, because I want you to be happy.” Excuse me, where in the world did you ever pick up that I would be happier without you?

We never even had a song that was “our song.” Maybe that should have been a sign?

He thinks this is based on two different people with different desires and values. But in reality, we haven’t talked in so long about what we really want that there is no way of knowing if our values and life dreams line up or not. They used to. I think they might still. We have both evolved and changed over these past four years, but somehow we have retained a picture of what the other said they wanted at the very beginning. To bad we didn’t see that the other’s desires and goals were changing. Sometimes changing to align better with the other person’s. I am sad and angry, disappointed and betrayed. How can a man go from forever to never in a blink of the eye? I have been in the same relationship and know what has been happening, but I am willing to really get down to brass tacks on this and work it out. That is what I thought marriage (and this engagement) was about – two people committed to making it work. Period.

I love him and am willing to work it out. But it is impossible to do so one-sided.

I want him to be happy. And apparently he will be happy if his life doesn’t include me. That is hard to swallow. Very.

I am not at the point of saying that I know that I will get over this, that somewhere out there is a real man that can handle the mature adult relationship aspects of communication and will love me wholly, but I know that is what everyone will tell me. Don’t bother; I’ve already said it for you. Yes, yes. I am a beautiful, smart, amazing woman deserving of the love of a man that can see all that, blah, blah, blah. Please, that isn’t where I am right now. I am existing, barely, by holding onto a thread of misplaced sanity granted by my voice mail.

How many times can I check my email just to see that he hasn’t written? Or my voicemail, just to see that he hasn’t called. I am stalking myself in this masochist torture.

Holding onto a voice mail message from a week ago say he isn’t advocating a break up, and that he loves me. Even if it isn’t true now, I can listen to it in his own words and voice. I wish I knew how to save it, so that the Sprint system wouldn’t erase it in a few days/weeks, who knows when they do. But they do. It is one 25 second blurb from the man that used to be in love with me. It is what keeps me going, even if it isn’t true. I can lie to myself.

I know that if this is gone through with that I will always carry a scar with his initials on my heart, and every man I meet in the future will shake his head and damn the man that ruined this fine woman.

I am not “that girl.” You know who she is, that sad, depressed, and can’t get over some man type. Let me point out that DCS isn’t “some man” (name not changed to protect the innocent, because he is not innocent **update:name changed 14 July 2005 to protect the not-innocent**). Recent action aside, he is the man that other men should strive to be like; the man that I wish had a dozen clones so I could set them up with my girlfriends, the man that was my past, future and one true love. But all I see is an envelopment of darkness on the immediate horizon try as I might to fight it. that girl has taken over with her inability to see anything but this haze, this complete vacancy of self. My mind is filled with uncharacteristic self-destructive thoughts that I can’t banish. My self-worth shot, confidence fled, and heart broken.

And yet through this I fight with an equal weighed feeling of gratitude for having known DCS and regret that I had anything to do with anything that has led to this. Thank you for being amazing, lovely, caring, watchful and loving. Damn you for being spineless, cowardly and ungentlemanly. Thank you for the past years, but I wish I could forget them all and you, so I don’t hurt the way I do.

I hope that you find that happiness you are so sure will fill your life as soon as you expel me from it. I hope that you find that center. I hope your life is nothing but wonderful.
I loved you. I love you. I fear that I will always love you.