The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Need ideas-help

Okay my lovely reader-freinds, I need a boon. I am looking for a short, nice quote about family to include in my thesis acknowledgment section. Something along the lines their support and strength allowing me to be all I am today. Or the like. Usually I am good at this stuff - but honestly - my brain is in overdrive an can spare no room for this triviality.

Please help me out here if you have a good idea.

I know that I am overworked, because all I can come up with the Jesus quote along the lines of "Through you, all things are made possible." Zoiks!

Okay, back to revisions.

Oh. and thanks for the hand in lis, my lovelies. I appreciate it. really, I do.


28 April - 9 full days left.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Where the hell are


1. Went home for a wedding.
2. Wedding was for my friends Shell, not the reader here, Chel (but she has exciting life changes going on herself....)
3. Bridesmaid dress was green, but nice.
4. Wedding was beautiful.
5. Found out that DCS was banging a college freshman ("but we weren't together, we were 'working on us.'" Cliche', I know.)
6. Working through the above and the older stuff.
7. Set defense date, April 28.
8. Invited to conference in DC, immediately after defense.
9. Set return to home date: May 7, after conference.
10. Thesis is in draft five, expect to get it to committee by Monday.
11. For a week turn around, during which I will be making my Power Point presentation.
12. DCS will come down for defense and packing me up.
13. DCS will join me in DC for the end of the meeting and a bit of a holiday for us.

I think that is it. Yes, most of those bullets deserve a greater detailing, but I am so swamped trying to get this evil thesis revision done. So this is the extent that y'all get right now.

Back to the revisions.

Think swift, revisions, and committee turn around time for me.