The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It is too early for a meltdown

Welcome back to my rollercoaster world. I had hoped, really believed that I would get to leave that world this year, but instead the coaster is full throttle all ready.

Roller Coaster #1

1. "Baby, I won't see these certain women that you have concerns about until you are home with me and we can see them together." "Thanks DCS, I really appreciate the maturity of this and look forward to knowing these women so that I can see that they aren't a threat." INSERT A WEEK OF Kc ABSENCE BACK TO ARMPIT ISLAND "But I didn't know Stacy was coming to the circus too, what, should I not go?"

2. No calls since circus
3. Says he's sick
4. Stacy's away message says she is spending the evening in Jax (which is 2 hrs from where she lives and where DCS does in fact live)

I know that he is sick. I know that she could be visiting someone else. I also know that I could be freaking out for nothing. or everything.

Roller Coaster #2
Roommate, after not talking to me for a month and half (and no reason why), tells me today that she is moving out. In 10 days. So I am stuck in a lurch for rent (which my part will more than double) for the next few months. Did I mention that my professor cut my pay because the project money is out?

I am a sucker for roommates that will live with me until their ship (read:man) comes in. This is the second roommate in a row that has left as soon as mancake started footing the bill.

I need a mancake to foot my bill....

Roller Coaster #3
Conversation with professor about thesis writing timeline. "That is ambitious." "Well, sir, I like to think I am an ambitious girl." "That you are, and crazy. Good luck with that schedule."

I am so OVER freaking emotional bullshit rollercoaster. I want off so badly. And I just don't know how to get off. I want the hell out of Puerto Rico (where I have learned more about people than marine science. And not positively about people, but VERY negative things.) I want to go home to my cat. I want to live with my DCS, who is more like the DCS when I am around than the DCS when I am not around. I want to scream and rant and cry. I am so tired of holding everything in, trying to maintain an inner zen. I want out of here. I want out of the people that seem to surround me. I want friends that treat me the way I treat them. I want DCS to love and cherish me the way I do him. I want to be important to people, valued. I am so tired of being stand in best friend, ace girl while they are low. I am tired of putting out super friend actions and receiving half assed back.

I want out of all of this mess, and I don't know how.


At 2:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, he's unworthy of your attentions. So for the moment for get him and get on with your work. Someone who forgets who you are when you're not there is not someone anyone would think of starting a life with. This is worse than the dog who follows anyone who has a treat around. They'll be fine as long as they've got the doggie treat in front of them. Other than that, they're lost as far as more complex emotions, maturity or fealty. Not a good thing to have in humans most of the time. Think Lenny in the 'Grapes of wrath'.

Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'


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