The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Meds or Peace? and Gratitude

So how do you know if crazy person medications are to credit with a semblence of normality or if it is more of the time as salve option? I am a few days into the meds and don't really think they could work that fast, so maybe it is just time.

I am thinking a lot on gratitude with the upcoming holiday, and I am glad to have two great readers/responders for my thoughts. It is like I yell into a canyon and a voice yells back saying, "hey, you aren't alone. I'm not an echo. Try thinking on this..."

So I am working on gratitude. This will help redirect my thoughts away from the what I don't have or have lost to the what I am glad to have.

Think on this with me. And I will write more later this week.


At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep KC, the drugs really Can work that fast. Meditation, when done right might take a bit longer.

We all have much to be grateful for. Here's a short list I can come up with.

1.) You're on a tropical island, and no matter how unpleasant, no one's shooting at you and trying to kill you, and your exposure to hard manual labor on the island is bound to be limited.
(Prior to 1950, these were typical experiences when American's traveled to tropical islands). (I know, you could have been born an Admirals daughter in the Philippines in the 1920's, but that had it's downside too).

2.) You get to use all of your brains and talents to pursue your life's ambition, something that previous generations of women only dared dream about. (Sure there were exceptions in every age, but they were fairly rare until 1900 or so, and still were rare until ~1920-40).

3.) Good fortune has blessed you with beauty and brains, and has situated you in some of the most beautiful landscapes to be found within 1000KM from our shores. You also have the gift of solitude, which is something severely under appreciated, and a quality that will be sorely lacking as soon as the kids come. Having the time to think 'deep thoughts' is exceedingly rare, and it almost never reappears until your old age. Again it's a solid resource that all too few avail themselves of, but almost everyone could benefit from.

4.) Unlike perhaps 1/2 of the island, you do not want for much materially, save for some companionship, and even that is accessible (somewhat) thru this marvelous invention that Al Gore helped to invent. You've got a radio that can bring you music, or websites that can do the same 24/7, a luxury and a comfort your great grand parents could only marvel at.

5.) Unlike countless of ancestors you are not being persecuted for your beliefs, (or leastways not your religious ones!)

6.) You enjoy good health, even if your pets seem to be lacking in this a bit. Something that is a blessing at any age.

7.) You're getting to understand your own mind, your wants, desires and needs. This is something everyone should process through before their 30th birthday. To not have some significant self knowledge before this is explained as the excesses of an overly long 'childhood', afterwards lacking it is merely the folly of fools.

8.) You have direction in your life and you know where you want to go, and what you want to do. Many still lack this knowledge well into their middle age.

9.) You've got a plan for your life. Unfortunately it has some holes in it, but these are mainly due to the human variables, of which you have little control, (to your constant natural irritation). This too is a valuable lesson. Think parenthood. Children are the singles greatest unpredictable and worrisome aspect of most of our lives. We can plan for them, but they will mock all our preparations.

10.) We can all be thankful for friends, and the comfort provided by the eternal flame of friendship. Offering a hand in friendship is not just something we do with graciousness, but is one of the most useful self serving acts we will perform in our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving KC! Cheers& Good Luck, 'VJ'

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Kc said...

Drat, I meant think on this in relation to your own life! But I read your list after I drafted my own (for thanksgiving publication) and was delighted to see similarities, granted yours are better worded.....

So, think on gratitude with me, in relation to your own life. Let's talk about that too.

At 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humm, that would be quite a long list KC, and if I went for it I'd really need my own blog! In many ways I live the life of Riley. I mean to be ~109 and still drawing breath is quite an accomplishment! Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'


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