The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


1. I am profoundly appreciative of my mother in my life. She is strong, smart, patient, fiery, no-nonsense, caring, respectable, loving woman. She is a good template that I can hang my own characteristics on. She is my best friend, my role model and fiercest supporter.

2. I have been lucky to be able to study in a place of my choosing.

3. I am lucky to live in a place that many people only get to vacation to.

4. I am very glad to have found two good people out there in internetland. One provokes me to think about my situation from a different point of view, and the other brings succour, helpful anecdotes and sympathy. (I would love to be able to wander through the web world of yours, VJ)

5. I am healthy. More or less. This is more than many can say, so I will not take it for granted.

6. I have a great cat that has been a wonderful companion for 6 years. I will enjoy all my moments with him and hope that he stays healthy.

7. I am lucky to have known great love in my life.

8. I am grateful for the knowledge that time does heal. Even if a scar remains, the gaping wound eventually closes.

9. My friends back home give me a feeling of grounding. I am thankful for them.

10. I am glad to own my dream jeep (1984 CJ7.) Owning it has let me live the dream, and now I am ready to move on from it when I return back stateside (give me something with shocks and doors, please!)

11. I am glad that I have direction and a sense of purpose. This helps me steer my own boat, rather then be dashed every which-a-way by the currents of change.

12. I am fortunate to have a forum into which I can distill my thoughts. Or purge them-unconsolidated.

13. I had a wonderful experience in DC this summer, one that has shaped my direction and finalized my own thoughts on the next step. I am grateful to have had a wonderful mentor and friend there and hope to retain that relationship.

14. I enjoy my adult peer-like relationship that is emerging with my brothers and look forward to years of it in the future.

15. I am grateful for hope.

16. I am more thankful for my recent chemical lobodomy.


At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are all thankful too of the gift of reading and sharing good stories: [Yes, this is very old stuff below, and may not be your cup of tea, but it's the sort of thing they used to print in 'Punch', which went the way of the DoDo some decade ago, and I enjoyed it].


Thanks for the note, I've got a list of my won, but it's way too long. I'll see if I can send some of the out-takes. Cheers & Good Luck KC& Happy Thanksgiving! 'VJ'

At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah, the above link was found via They recently had some useful posts on successful dissertation/thesis completion strategies that you might want to look into. (One of many no doubt). I'll pass it along: []
This post was on 11/18, if the link will not work, just cut and paste it. Again, I hope it helps some. Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'

At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, Remember now, these are only the out takes. I've got too much to be thankful for to put down in one place. I'm a wealthy and blessed man in many respects... So here it is:

Other Things to be thankful for:

1.) The US Navy is investigating the usefulness of Dirigeables (Blimps) once again. And old battleships too!

2.) That the Maxim gun was invented by a true gentleman. So was the atomic bomb mostly. (Ted Teller was always a stinker though!) Getting to know many of the later scientists @ MIT.

3.) That Lincoln saved the Union in spite of himself.

4.) That Harry Truman did the same for the World some 80 years later, but only after FDR gave him the job. (Truman should be the model for every minimally competent pol. Not highly educated or well born, but he always knew and did his duty. And when he did not know something, he was willing to ask, and trust in those experts & scientists. This proves that given half chance, simple common sense has it all over brilliance, if the character is right).

5.) That redemption and reconciliation dramas have once again become staples on daytime TV, as they were with radio.

6.) Good radio& Good radios that last 30+ years. (Until they all go digital sometime soon).

7.) Good and useful drugs that help many get up and do what needs to be done and continue on in their lives.

8.) Seeing the Old Man in the Mountain before he fell off in NH.

9.) The Interstate Highway system, and recalling being able to drive on one almost alone for most of your journey.

10.) Jazz & bluegrass, still readily heard in the land. Louie Armstrong. Bill Monroe.

11.) Books & art, and having enough money to indulge in both. Such luxury!

I hope this has been a bit entertaining. Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'


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