The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Friday, March 03, 2006

I could be a Fellow! Just one short surgery...

Please break out your victory dance and dance with me.

I got the endorsement and thus nomination of the Armpit Island SeaGrant program for the highly competitive DC fellowship.

One cut down, one to go!

Each program (32) get to nominate 5 peoples for 30 total spots. Everywhere else it is considered very competitive and prestigious. I am just lucky that no one in my program cares to do anyhting, cuts out a lot of the competition for the various seasonal jobs, scholarships and right now fellowships!

Keep your toes crossed for my next cut which will take place between 6 April and 18 May.

I will try to not asphixiate of anxiety and eagerness in the meantime.

**Disclaimer - this whole post counts as my attitude of gratitude list**

Thesis Update: Prof still has my first draft. Getting antsy. He had some flattering things to say about it, but also mentioned somethings that will need work. Still no idea on time scale for corrections. Please light a candle, sacrifice a chicken or child, pray to the deity of your choice, or generally wish with me that the draft is returned to me soon! And a lot cleaner than I have built up in my head...


At 4:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if the due date is in early March KC, I imagine either you have the draft back by now, or he's given you a list of the major issues that need attention. In any case it's good progress. And Congrats on your progress for the DC Fellowship. I hope we'll not lose another promising young scientist to the dark satanic bowels of the Federal bureaucracy. Still it's worth de-pantsing a Repug. dandy when you get there. (You know, just running up from behind and quickly pulling down their trousers to see if they're wearing women's underwear like usual?)

Cheers & Much Good Luck! 'VJ'


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