The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Attitude of Gratitude

So my internet girlfriend Chel posted the following from an article she read:
"Researchers took a group of 100 people, and had 50 people make a daily gratitude list. Six months later, they ran attitude/depression testing on the 100 people, and the 50 people who had been keeping lists had an overall improvement in mood."
In this stream she began tracking a gratitude list in her writing. In an effort to try anything to turn around my mental state, I am also going to do this. I am lucky that this is something I already do occasionally in my head so it will be an increase in times and commit to writing.

Consider yourself warned.

Gratitude List:
1. My thesis really coming together.
2. Swimming with dolphins yesterday.
3. A place to unload my thoughts and two lovely readder freinds that shout back to me from the canyon.
4. Things with DCS turning around.


At 4:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well noted KC. Other things to be grateful for:

1.) The coming Manhattan (Like) Project that will see brain transplants finally perfected.

2.) Failing this, a 'lobotomy in a tube' that will be available as toothpaste soon enough to be applied to DCS just after graduation. Wonderful, good looking lad, he just needed a slight attitude adjustment. [Make certain he signs the all consent forms though!]

3.) Still being able to travel in this great country w/o excess permission 'papers' from our benighted government, at least for the next few months until they change all that.

4.) All the foolish things we do for love. Without most of it, we'd have a depopulation crisis. [But wait, there's mere urges that might take care of most of that fear...] OK then, how about poetry?

5.) We've not yet wiped out the dolphins, despite all the other damage we've done to the seas by sucking the life & fish out of them.

6.) Good BBQ is easy to find in the south. Good Bagels, pizza, or even subs, less so. Even good gumbo is rare in most places.

7.) People who still know how to make their own music, getting more rare all the time though.

8.) Being entertained w/o the TV also a good thing.

9.) Doing your little bit to help 'the damned human race' can be heartening, useful and sometimes entertaining.

10.) Getting to understand new perspectives, and knowing and being reminded that even a tragically flawed love is still damn hard to kill, despite everything.

Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Kc said...

1. More in depth on this project. Have I misssed something?
2. He already graduated. But an attitude adjustment paste would be awful swell.

3.I just forked out for a new passport, so I am not sure I agree too much with this one. But you're right, we are good for interstate travel.

4.Love poetry. But right again - we are nutcases when it comes to pheremones and romance.

5.Dolphine numbers are down, and I hope to help out the rest of the issue through my life's work. Just you wait!

6. I do like a good BBQ, but that might be my raising on the south...and gumbo too. Not so much on the rest. Maybe I haven't had stellar bagels, pizza and subs to be disappointed with what I can find.

7. Second this nomination.

8. I haven't had cable in years or growing up. Just for a few years at university. But I do love movies.

9. Second this nomination.

10. I don't know if I understand my new perspectives or merely accept them.

At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the responses KC.

On #1, google 'Manhattan Project' or see here for some clues: [Http://].

On #2, Of course this was supposed to be a gift for Your graduation!

Cheers & Good Luck! 'VJ'


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