The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Changing my thesis

So I think I could write a really good thesis on heartbreak and breakup. Please refer to for a very short study on the topic to be submitted to Nature (c with a little circle around it to protect the commercialism of said journal/magazine.)

Really. A whole sociological science study (of which I have no authority, expertise or experience to write) on why one should not date to therefore potentially break up during grad school. Base (and please don't swipe my stellar research ideas, here...) is this: Grad students don't have time to date, which naturally kills a relationship, grad students move around, which naturally kills relationships, grad students are poor, which naturally stalls relationships, grad students are supposed to be thinking about other things as top priorities, which naturally kills relationships or relationships kill theses. When the break up inevitably occurs, the distraction of it takes too much time away from the work at hand. Productivity plummets. To levels never thought possible before.

Thesis update: No work on data this week (didn't see that one coming, didja?!?!) But really I have an exam in my "other" grad program, and I haven't watched class since the last exam. Think good thoughts for me on Friday. And a monster paper to write on MPAs for the other program. Damn you, "other" program. Damn me, overachiever.

Generally this wouldn't be a thing, except my prof is leaving for two weeks, and I expect to be at a place of questioning in about a week. So a week of cooling my heels, right around Thanksgiving (which I will be here on armpit island, alone since DCS won't be coming. Not that he has gotten the balls to say that. But he doesn't have a ticket. Oh - and I haven't spoken to him in over a week. That might play a part too. Almost fell off the wagon the other night, but fate intervened with voicemail rather than voice, at which point I clambered back onto the wagon and hung up. And then tried to smother myself. You can't do that, by the way. Nature intervenes, you pass out and muscles relax before your body expires.)


At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, productivity should be your middle name. If you can't figure out where you are work until you find a way. If you can't know what the other is thinking/up to, work will keep you occupied until it all sorts itself out. Work to keep busy, work to learn new things, to experience your better self, to remain productive in a world gone mad, and to stake your claim to a better future or just for posterity. There are things you can reasonably control and those that will ever remain inchoate, or perhaps mysteries waiting to reveal themselves.

In the meantime you've got way too much on your plate to worry much about DCS. Clean up the details and the stray ends, finish up the programs in good order and you'll feel much better about your accomplishments in the end. Promise.

And if you were my GF, I'd swim to armpit island with a turkey on my back to do it up proper. On the beach over a spit. You really deserve better. And get your ring back too will 'ya? He's probably hocked it by now, the jerk!

Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'


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