The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Aren't weddings supposed to be fun?

Background: DCS sister is getting married Oct 9 in S. Carolina. Old plan was to come up from PR then and move home.

Middleground: DCS asks me to come up for a visit and do the wedding and move home in December after we have had a spell to work on us and to focus on work (him) and thesis (me) for a strong start/finish. I agree, but told him that I would need an invitation to the wedding, so I am not just crashing it uninvited and unwanted.

Foreground: After a weekend in Charleston with the sister and fam for he shower, DCS busts out with he has some concerns about me being at the wedding and that I would cause undue stress on the sister on "her" day by my very presence. Nice, huh?

Far back background: Sister and FI have dated for 1/4 of the time DCS and I. DCS and I announced engagement, days later, not to be outdone by her little brother, she announces hers. We had set our date a year ago (now) and then she set hers the weekend before ours and told us to move ours. Thankfully she moved hers (to Oct 9). but now it is a moot point, I guess.

She is the one continually making the drama, and I will upset her by my presence? She wanted to fistfight when we first met when I questioned a bird she was telling me about. "Cormorant? really? I didn't know they came this far north! At fist glance it looked like an anhinga to me. Cormorant, huh! Who'd have known... south carolina! We get them all the time in the Keys!"

Foreground: Wedding is in three weeks. I have no invite and it seems like DCS doesn't even want me there. I wouldn't DREAM of not inviting her or her fiance to any party we threw, much less a freaking wedding. And they have been together only like a year! Basic manners were obviously not taught or didn't take with that girl, bless her heart.

Thesis: Finished putting one site through the matrix, and am making decent time on the next site. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for this step. Thank gods!

Health: I am wearing a pedometer and realizing that I need to get off my fat ass more. But at least my skinny pants fit. If I could get in 2,000 more steps a day... so I am climbing my stairs at home 13 times to simulate the DC stair climb to the condo. The cats think I am nuts. Maybe I am.


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