The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

No Cute Title

So yesterday's contact equaled only a phone message that he was doing dinner in O'town with the co-workers he was traveling with. No call later last night. Kind of a shame since there was a 24 hour sale on air fares down to this island from FL.

What am I waiting on now? Seems like I am always waiting on something from him. Sorry way to spend a life, waiting. Waiting for Godot! So Godot aside, I am waiting for him to decide when he is coming down here over the next few weeks and more importantly when I should come up to FL in October. For his sister's wedding. I could just get a ticket, but I don't want to fork out $325 for a wedding that I haven't been invited to (but noticed how quickly I was crossed off the list when he bailed. Now that we are back on (ish) I need an invite to know that I am, well, invited! That idea is of course lost on DCS.

And of course always waiting for the phone to ring. I don't want to crowd him, I want him to WANT to call me. I know he is traveling for work and very busy making those good strong work contacts, but really a five minute touch base isn't that hard. I find time for that for him even when work is a bit nutty.

It is amazing to see that in writing. I have become a girl waiting for the phone to ring. Heavy.

I have started back up on my data analysis though. So hours crunching numbers in Excel in the lab. Crunch Crunch Crunch. Every boring moment of crunching brings me closer to getting outta here!

Spent some time last night organizing a bit. Some of my immediate goals, other than DCS and thesis (maybe that needs a code name too!) are to purge purge my life here (it feels cluttered with too much "stuff") - my house, my office, and to start running. I desperately want to be a runner, but I hate the activity and it hurts. I keep starting out again and again on it. If I could just get decent at it, maybe I wouldn't hate it, and I know that it is really good for you. So I bought new trainers in hopes of bribing myself with white shiny shoes to do it (bad idea in such a dirty town that I live in and run in!)


At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Godot never came either. And how about swimming for exercise? Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Kc said...

I used to be a competitive swimmer for years and years. Here there is no pool, and I found out that the muelle I swim in at dusk is frequented by sharks at the same time. I don't frequent it anylonger. Day time is too sunny for my skin even with block on. So I need to run.


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