The Sticky Wicket

This is a story of a girl. A girl who had met the boy, fell in love, was asked, accepted, and made the plans - only to be told 4 years later that it had been a good ride. This is the story of a heartbreak. And the possible rebuilding of Rome from the ashes.

Friday, July 29, 2005


Because I will be in the field for a week, I won't be able to write, but I really hope that my handful of readers will join me back on the eighth, as I will have potentially funny or disastrous stories about the DCS weekend, mom, and the field. "Swamp restoration" was on potential item on the itinerary... that should pique your interest!

Note - I need to get a pull along rolling carry on. The shoulder bag/backpack/workbag/suit jacket combo is really rough to hump across DC.


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